English-speaking Countries

Monday 4 May 2015

10th form. Questions to discuss


1. Have you got a close friend/friends? How did your friendship begin?
2. Whose opinion is more important to you: your parents’ or your friends'? Why?
3. What kind of people do you prefer to deal with?
4. What types of houses do you know? What is a (any type) house?
5. Describe your room. How would you like to change it?
6. If you rent a room, would you like to share it with another person? Why/why not? Why do people need to rent accommodation?
7. What is your attitude to the problem of school uniform?
8. What do you know about the Scout Association? Would you like to be a Scout? Why/why not?
9. What do you know about the BRSM? (Goals, symbols, members, activities, etc.)
10. Who needs our help? Have you ever made a donation? When? What did you do?
11. Architecture is called “frozen music”. Do you agree with the quote? Speak about any world-famous building or a famous building in your town/country.
12. What is art? What types of visual art do you know? What is your favourite type? Why?
13. What do you know about Marc Chagall? (не надо отвечать)
14. How to understand and appreciate abstract art? What is your attitude towards abstract art? (не надо отвечать)
15. Isaac Newton is considered to be the greatest scientist of all times. Do you agree with this statement? Why/why not?
16. What is the role of women in science? Do you know any woman in science? What is she famous for?
17. Name three appliances you use a lot. Which of them would be the most difficult to live without? Why?
18. What steps should a person take to become a real polymath?
19. Are geniuses born or made? What, do you think, is more important: IQ, hard work, persistence or a solid upbringing? Why?
20. Is it important to read newspapers? Why/why not? What types of news do you tend to follow in a newspaper? Are you interested in reading printed press?
21. Speak about the British Press. What types of newspapers do you know? Why is printed press so popular in the UK?
22. Speak about mass media in Belarus.
23. What is the role of mass media in modern life? Types of mass media. Mass media in your life.
24. How often and to whom do you write letters or postcards? What types of letters do you know? Which types of letters have you ever written or received?
25. What social networks do you know? Why are they so popular with teenagers? Why are parents often against their children using social networks? What is a blog?