English-speaking Countries

Friday 24 April 2015

World Book and Copyright Day 2015

WORLD BOOK AND COPYRIGHT DAY is an annual event, celebrated all around the world to promote reading and the cultural aspects of books. UNESCO celebrates this day on 23 April, providing an opportunity to reflect on ways to better disseminate the culture of the written words and to allow all individuals to access it, through literacy programmes, open educational resources, and support for careers in publishing, book shops, libraries and schools.
Since its adoption by the General Conference in 1995, this day has been a true success: millions of people, institutions, book professionals have organized or participated to events such as meetings, literary award ceremonies, dedications, conferences, workshops, debates and artistic performances in more than hundred different countries.
Once more, many activities will take place at UNESCO headquarters, where a conference on Digital Publishing and numerous workshops will be held in order to share our love for books in an instructive and entertaining way. The 23rd of April will also open Incheon (Korean Republic) mandate as 2015 World Book Capital City.
Every year on April 23rd millions of people around the world celebrate books and reading on ‘World Book Day’. The date is important because two great writers died on this day in 1616; William Shakespeare, the English playwright and poet and Miguel de Cervantes, the Spanish writer. Each year UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) chooses one city to be the World Book Capital City. This year, the city is Incheon, in the Korean Republic. So, what happens on this special day? Schools, book shops and libraries hold all kinds of fun events. People wear costumes of their favourite book characters  authors sign copies of their books, story-tellers read to children and adults … and much more.