English-speaking Countries

Thursday 23 April 2020

International Cooperation


1. Introduction  Why is it important to cooperate nowadays? What global problems can people solve working together? Quote about cooperation.
2. Main Body
  • Belarusian membership in international organisations ex.2 a p.247-248
  • Belarusian celebrities related to the international organisations ex. 2 b. p.248-249
  • International events held in Belarus (Lesson 2 p.251-255)
  • Belarusian world heritage (Lesson 3 p. 254-256)
  • How does Grodno Gymnasium cooperate with other countries? ( Сочинение см. д.з в электронном дневнике на 23 апреля)
  • Belarusian companies and their international cooperation (p. 268-270)
3. Conclusion. 

Вопросы к билету:

1.     Let’s talk about international cooperation. Do you know what countries have cross-cultural relationship with Belarus?
2.     Is it important for Belarus to organize international events? Why?
3.     You are going to travel to Britain as an exchange student. Ask questions about the exchange programme.
4.     Give advice to your friend who is hosting a foreign student.
5.     Social networking is a convenient way to keep in touch with foreign friends and a good possibility to develop cooperation. What do you think about it?
По вопросу 3, 4 мы разбирали информацию в теме "Tourism" Сочинение "Application letter" p. 205-206