Saturday 16 May 2015

8th form. Questions to Discuss

1. Speak about the UK (official name, countries, head of the state/ government, population, capital.)
2. Speak about England.
3. Speak about Wales.
4. Speak about Scotland.
5. Speak about Northern Ireland.
6. What traditions do you have in your gymnasium? What’s your favourite tradition? Who takes part in it? What do participants do?
7. Speak about British meals.
8. Speak about famous dishes from different countries.
9. Speak about famous Belarusian dish.
10. Speak about money. Do children need pocket money? How much pocket money do you get? Do you save it or spend?
11. What British traditional holidays and celebrations do you know? Speak about one of them.
12. What Belarusian traditional holidays and celebrations do you know? Speak about one of them.
13. What music are you really into? Why? Can you play a musical instrument? What music genres can’t you stand? Why?
14. What is your favourite music group or singer? Speak about it/him/her.
15. What is the role of reading in people’s lives? What about you? Do you like reading? Why/why not?
16. Speak about your favourite writer.
17. Speak about your favourite book?
18. Are you a cinemagoer? Is cinema important today? What role does it play in your life?
19. Speak about your favourite film.