English-speaking Countries

Video Lessons. Negative Prefixes.

Negative Prefixes


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Using negative prefixes

Using negative prefixes

Gapfill exercise

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
Fill in negative prefixes to form the OPPOSITE of each of the adjectives below. Note - although the adjective satisfied has also another opposite, I want you to master the more frequent one so I did not include the other possibility.

acceptable, accurate, adequate, agreeable, approachable, appropriate, bearable, compatible, complete, conscious, contented, convenient, credible, decisive, desirable, discreet, excusable, experienced, faithful, flexible, frequent, grateful, healthy, helpful, hospitable, legal, legible, legitimate, literate, logical, mature, moral, mortal, obedient, organised, passive, patient, perfect, personal, polite, probable, readable, regular, resolute, responsible, respectful, sane, satisfactory, satisfied, sociable, sufficient, variable, visible, willing
