English-speaking Countries

Video Lessons. Past Simple and Past Continuous

The past simple is used:
 For an action that started and ended in the past.

*I saw a ghost last Friday. For a repeated action in the past.
*When I was young, I watched lots of television every day after school.*
*(We could also say, I used to watch lots of television.)
 For stative verbs, which are verbs that do not express an action, but a state of mind or being,
e.g. have (own), be, think (believe), know, dislike, need, owe, understand, wish.

*He had a small cottage in the woods.
*He wasn't afraid of ghosts. Regular past simple tense verbs end in -ed.
*I talked to my uncle yesterday.
*I phoned my girlfriend this morning. Irregular past simple tense verbs do not end in -ed.
*You need to learn irregular past tense verbs.
*I felt sick yesterday morning so I went to the doctor.

The past continuous tense is used: 
When talking about TWO actions in the past; one continues for a period, and the other starts and ends (past simple).

*While I was talking on the phone, someone stole my car.
*I was making breakfast when the cat knocked over the milk carton, so I burnt the toast. These sentences usually use while or when.

To talk about TWO actions in the past, both happening over a period.
*I was working on my computer and my children were watching television. 

To talk about a TEMPORARY activity taking place over a limited time.

*I was living in Indooroopilly when it happened.
*I was staying at my friend's house while my parents were touring Italy.

Past Simple or Past Continuous

Past Simple or Past Continuous



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  1. I ________ an interesting film at 9 o'clock yesterday.
    1.   watched
    2.   was watching