English-speaking Countries

Tests. Prepositions 1


The Man in the Blue Car

The Man in the Blue Car

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps with correct prepositions , then press "Check" to check your answers.
This man is driving the freeway. Every day, he drives work. the morning, he sleeps late. He gets up 10am. He drives work 11am because he works a swing shift.
Every day he goes a hospital. He works as a translator. He is originally Thailand, and he translates sick people Thai backgrounds. He helps them to communicate doctors. Because he is a very good translator, there is always plenty work.
He sees his wife and children after he drives home 8pm. He likes to eat pasta dinner his family. When he was a child, he had some stomach problems, and even now he likes to eat simple food very little or no spice. This can be unusual Thai people, as many enjoy eating foods hot spices.
his days off, he goes the library to use the computer. He has a computer home, but he doesn't have the Internet. He uses the Internet to email people that live far away. Someday, he wants to go back Thailand. He wants to raise his children America, but spend his old age Thailand.