English-speaking Countries

Articles with geographical names

Articles with Geographical Names

Articles with Geographical Names

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps with a proper article (the,-)
1. Blue Nile, and White Nile meet in Sudan to form Nile.
2. Monterey Peninsula just out into Pacific Ocean halfway up California coast.
3. At the tip of Florida lies a string of islands stretching out into Gulf of Mexico and much visited by tourists. They are Florida Keys, the largest of wich is Key Jargo.
4. New York City is situated at the mouth of Hudson River on East coast of USA. The heart of New York is island of Manhattan.
5. Gulf Stream originates in Gulf of Mexico, swings around Florida, mixes with North Atlantic Drift and heads towards Europe.
6. Lake Titicaca which is between Bolivia and Peru is world's highest large lake.
7. Bermuda Triangle in Atlantic Ocean is famous as an area where ships and aircrafts disappear under mysterious circumstances.
8. Pan American Highway runs along Andes of South America.
9. Colorado River flows through Grand Canyon.
10. In popular sea tales Sargasso Sea is a place wher huge masses of seaweeds entangle ships and prevent them from escaping.