English-speaking Countries

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in the blanks with a comparative or superlative adjective to complete the following paragraphs
Ms. Cohen has two children, Arizona and Hanan. Arizona thinks he is (smart) than Hanan, but he’s not. Hanan thinks he is (handsome) than Arizona, but he’s not. Both of her children think they are (good) than their brother. Ms. Cohen has to remind her children that she is (intelligent) person in the family. Even though she is (short) person in the family, she is the (cute).

1. My brother has a (tidy) room than me.
2.Australia is (big) than England.
3. I'm (good) now than yesterday.
4. She's got (little) money than you, but she doesn't care.
5. He thinks Chinese is (difficult) language in the world.
6. Valencia played (bad) than Real Madrid yesterday.
7. Cats are not (intelligent) as as dogs.
8. Show me (good) restaurant downtown.
9.(hot) desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.
10.Who is (talkative) person in your family?