English-speaking Countries

Vocabulary. Cinema 1

Gap-fill exercise
Complete the sentences below with words / expressions from this list all associated with films.
world premiere \ performance\ release\ applause\ director\ critic\ reviews\ screen

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
a) I thought it was a good film but it got bad .
b) Her outstanding acting will surely win her one of this year´s Oscars.
c) Spectacular films like this are better seen on a big in the cinema than on television.
d) Spielberg´s new film gets its in New York and in London.
e) Robert Sheppard was the only who wrote in praise of the film.
f) We must see the new film by that British .
g) Actors always receive warm from their fans at the night of the Oscars.
h) His latest film is due for in April and should reach local cinemas by the summer.