English-speaking Countries

Another, The Other, Other, The Others

Other, others, the other or another?

Other, others, the other or another?

Gap-fill exercise

Complete the following sentences with the correct word.
Other, the other,the others, another
You’ve already seen Henry but I have three brothers.
Some people like horror films but people hate them.
Five students went to the canteen and waited in the classroom.
We need boat.
Can you pass me banana, please?
Here is only one shoe. Where is ?
Is there life on planets?
We arrived first and waited for .
Let’s go to restaurant for a change today.
For all enquiries, phone this number.
Would you like drink?
Do you know any drama theatres near here?
Could I ask you question?
I’d like to see some shoes.
We can see some guests in the living-room. But where are ?
He is waiting for us on side of the street.