English-speaking Countries

Adjective or Adverb

Adjective or Adverb

Adjective or Adverb

Gap-fill exercise

Complete the following sentences with the correct word
1. That pitbull looks . (angry)
2. She spoke . (quiet)
3. Erica listened to her mother . (careful)
4. Mary makes mistakes. (careless)
5. Children grow (quick)
6. He is very today. (happy)
7. It's raining . (heavy)
8. Morgan was hurt in a car accident. (serious)
9. His situation was very . (serious)
10. He defined the terms. The answer sounded . (correct)
11. The mechanic's tools were . The foreman said that his work was done.(good)
12. She adjusted the fees. She adapted to any situation. (quickly)
13. He measured the floor . They proved to be perfectly measurements.(exact)
14. The stillness of the tomb was . The tomb was still. (awful)
15. It was a lake to swim in. The man was drunk. The gas smelled . (dangerous)
16. She performed . It was a beautiful performance. (magnificent)
17. The little boy kept the cookie for himself. (selfish)